Candidate H→bb decay event with two b-tag jets and one electron recorded in 2016 - ATLAS-CONF-2017-041
A 2 b-tag, 2-jet, 1-electron event within the most signal-like portion of the BDTVH output distribution is shown (Run 303499, Event 2810362531). The electron is shown as a red track with a large energy deposit in the electromagnetic calorimeter, corresponding to light green bars, and has a pT of 151 GeV. The ETmiss, shown as a white dashed line, has a magnitude of 320 GeV. These correspond to a pTV of 450 GeV. The two central high-pT b-tagged jets are represented by light yellow cones. They contain the green and yellow bars corresponding to the energy deposition in the electromagnetic and hadronic calorimeters respectively, and they have an invariant mass of 124 GeV.
- Author
- Posted on
- Friday 26 February 2021
- Dimensions
- 4000*2641
- File
- fig_18.png
- Filesize
- 777 KB
- Keywords
- Visits
- 1816